Rules-Regulation & Academic Info.

Code of Conduct
A student should conform to the highest standard of discipline and shall conduct himself/herself within and out side the premises of the university in a manner befitting to national importance. He/She shall show due courtesy and considerations to the teachers and other employees of the university and render sincere co-operation to his/her fellow students.The students must also pay due attention and courtesy to the visitors. VUB strives to maintain a healthy academic atmosphere on its campus. The students are expected to play their part in achieving this goal by attending classes regularly, making appropriate use of all campus resources in a way as to enhancing their academic achievements, maintaining discipline, keeping the campus clean, free from active political activities and being good neighbors and model of good citizenship.
The Semester System and Semester Schedules
There will be three semesters per year with each semester spanning 4 months.There will be a period of 36 hours of class room instruction per semester.
The schedule of the semesters shall be as follows.
Course Pattern and Credit Structure
The entire graduate and undergraduate programs are covered through a set of theoretical courses with assignment, quiz, class test, midterm and semester final examinations. For some programs, there will also be laboratory courses.
Assignment of Credits
- i) Theoretical courses: One lecture of one hour duration per week per semester will be equivalent to one credit. Thus a three credit hours course will have three hours of lectures per week.
- ii) Laboratory / Project / Thesis work :
Credit for laboratory work usually will be half of that of the theoretical class hours. Credits are also assigned to project and thesis work taken by students.The amount of credits assigned to each of these may vary from discipline to discipline.
Under the coverage of this system, students have to complete the total number of credit hours required under a program.The number of credit hours a student wants to take in a semester or in different semesters will depend on the capability and choice of the student following the rules and regulations of VUB.