Examination Policy

At the end of each semester students have to sit for a semester final examination. Generally the duration of the final examination of each course is of 3 (three) hours depending upon the allocation of and distribution of marks on various aspects of evaluation criteria. Each course is evaluated on 100 marks. If a student does not attend the semester final examination automatically his / her grade will be ‘F’ (fail). The total marks obtained by the students in a course will be the sum total of the marks of semester final examinations, mid-term examinations, class tests, assignments, quiz, report / presentation etc.
Performance Evaluation Procedure
The evaluation is based on final examination, assignments, mid-term examination and classroom participation. A suggested distribution of marks is as follows. Individual course teacher may adjust the weight as per need of the course, subject to approval of VUB authority. Class Attendance 05%
In course/class test 10%
Assignment 10%
Mid-term 25%
Semester Final 50%
The following Grading and Point Systems will be followed:
Old Grading System (as applicable for 1st to 10th batches of BBA/BTHM, MBA/EMBA programs, and 1st to 6th batches of BA (Hons) in English/MA in English programs) Marks obtained (out of 100) Letter Grade Grade Point (4 point scale) Remarks
93-100 A 4.0 Excellent
90-92 A- 3.7 Very good
87-89 B+ 3.3 Good
83-86 B 3.0 Above Average
80-82 B- 2.7 Average
77-79 C+ 2.3 Quite Satisfactory
73-76 C 2.0 Satisfactory
70-72 C- 1.7 Pass
67-69 D+ 1.3 Low Pass
60-66 D 1.0 Marginal Pass
00-59 F 0.0 Fail
Note: I (Incomplete) may also be used under the provisions of VUB.
Absent in the Final Examination
A student who has registered for a course but remained absent in the final examination without prior permission will be given ‘F’ grade with zero grade point . ‘F’ grade is shown on the grade sheet but is not considered for calculation of CGPA.
Absent in the Mid-Term Examination and Course Works
A student who has appeared at the semester final examination but did not appear at the mid-term examination and / or missed other course works, eg., assignment, Test, Quiz etc he/she will be graded on the basis of the assessment of the work completed in that course. He/She will get zero in the assignment / quizzes etc which he/she has missed.
Incomplete (I)
The grade Incomplete (I) may be used in a special circumstances. The Incomplete grade may be given only at the end of a semester by a course teacher if he is satisfied with the over all performance of the student who has left unfinished a small amount of work for completion without further class attendance, or a students with prior permission of the course teacher delays to submit Term paper/Assignment, etc. The instructor must file with the controller of examination an Incomplete grade ‘I’ describing the work to be completed and indicating a tentative time period in which the work must be completed.
The student has the responsibilities to take the initiative in completing the work and is expected to make up the Incomplete as specified by the instruction. If action is not taken the ‘I’ grade will revert to ‘F’ grade. In the event the instructor from whom a student received an Incomplete (I) is not available, the disposition of a case involving an Incomplete grade resides with the Head of the concerned Department. To complete the unfinished work, a student will normally be allowed 4 (four) weeks after the publication of the semester grade.
Withdrawal (W)
The grade Withdrawal ‘W’ is assigned when a student officially drops a course the period between the ends of the third and sixth week. Prior to that time if a student drops a course no entry is made on the academic record. A ‘W’ does not affect the student’s GPA.
Policy on which Second Major is Offered
The following rules will apply in offering a second major:
- a) A student while completing major in one area can apply to do another major in a second area. He/She may also has to do one or two more courses in the relevant area.
- b) The approval of such applications will be subject to the availability of seat in the relevant class /section or dependent on the number of students registered for the concerned major area.
- c) The grades earned in the courses of second major will be counted in the calculation of CGPA for graduation.
- d) A student without the operational knowledge of the computer shall not be allowed to do a second major in MIS.
- e) The intending student will have to apply at least one month before the commencement of the semester in which he/she wants to do second major.
- f) Prior to such application the student will have to clear all dues of the university and register the courses for the second major on payment of usual fees for the additional courses.
A student must complete registration at the beginning of each semester in accordance with guidelines issued by VUB before undergoing academic instruction. A student will not be allowed to register if there are unpaid fees from a previous semester. A student is required to pay his/her fees or make financial arrangements before he/she can register for a given semester.
Withdrawal (Leave of Absence) from the Program
Withdrawal from the program must be with permission and is allowed only once, only after the student has completed a semester. Withdrawal is granted through the office of Dean of Schools. A student whose dues are not clear will not be permitted to withdraw from the program. A student applying for a leave of absence or withdrawal must give a definite semester for re-registration and must register within the time period mention in the application. A student who does not return for re-registration at the specified semester must apply for re-admission.
Note: If a Letter Grade I (Incomplete) is awarded to any student, it will indicate that he/she has attended the course but did not appear in the semester final examination. Letter Grade W will indicate withdrawal from course.
New Grading System (as applicable to all new students beginning their classes from Summer Semester 2007 and onwards i.e. for 11th batch onward of BBA/BTHM, MBA/EMBA programs, and for 7th batch onward of BA (Hons) in English /MA in English programs) Marks obtained (out of 100) Letter Grade Grade Point (4 point scale)
80% and above A+ (A plus) 4.0
75% to less than 80% A (A regular) 3.75
70% to less than 75% A- (A minus) 3.5
65% to less than 70% B+ (B plus) 3.25
60% to less than 65% B (B regular) 3.0
55% to less than 60% B- (B minus) 2.75
50% to less than 55% C+ (C plus) 2.5
45% to less than 50% C (C regular) 2.25
40% to less than 45% D (D regular) 2.0
Less than 40% F (Fail) 0.0
Class Evaluation of GPA
The VUB students are evaluated on CGPA. Comparison of the CGPA earned by VUB students to the classes earned by students is as follows: CGPA 3.00 and above First Class
CGPA 2.50 to 2.99 Second Class
CGPA 2.00 to 2.49 Third Class
Appeal Against Grade / Re-evaluation of Script
Although it is generally acknowledged that an individual instructor is the best judge of students’ performance in the given course, a student may occasionally consider a grade to have been unfairly assigned. In such cases, the student may wish to institute a formal appeal against the grade. A student who has sufficient reasons to believe that he /she has been unjustly graded or an error has been committed in marking of his answer script or computing grade (s) may apply for re-examination of the script or re-scrutiny. Prior to making such appeal the student should first consult the respective Chairman / Dean regarding the course grade he /she disputes. If the student wishes his / her answer scripts to be re-examined a formal written appeal shall have to be lodged by the student to the Controller of Examinations through Chairman / Dean of the School. A non-refundable fee of Tk. 2000/- per answer script must accompany the said appeal. Application for re-evaluating of script or appeal against grade secured must be made within one week of the publication of result.
Satisfactory Performance
A student is deemed to have a satisfactory performance if he/she earns a CGPA of 2.0 or more for undergraduate program and 2.5 or more for graduate program.